Holy Work in French-Speaking Africa

Although the pandemic has impacted missionary travels, the holy work in Africa has been able to continue online as brothers and sisters and friends are becoming better equipped for online studies.

In addition, we are also increasingly contacted by friends via the church website. One way or another, the work of God is moving forward and will be accomplished.

An important event took place on May 1, 2021: the brothers and sisters of Benin were finally able to access the church premises that had been taken away by the dissidents of the church.

Despite the repeated attacks on the True Jesus Church in Benin, God kept the brothers and sisters of Benin who remained firm in the face of various temptations and did not get discouraged in tribulation. They fought by prayers, fasting and imploring the justice of God.

After winning the first phase of the trial, the verdict gave the keys back to the TJC members. The brothers and sisters cleaned and restored the church that had overgrown with weeds. The children of God were able to quickly return to the church to worship the Lord.

The dissenters have appealed the judgment. We must continue to pray for the confirmation of the judgment once and for all.

Let us continue to pray for the justice of God and the growth of the church in the unity of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus.

All glory be unto Jesus!