Canada Ministry Update
Services in Canada
Impacted by various degrees of severity and phases of the pandemic, the church in Canada went through various stages of closure and reopening to comply with the COVID guidelines imposed by the various provincial Canadian governments. The measures taken ranged from online services to taking turns attending service in person due to social distancing rules. Now, most locations across Canada have resumed full-capacity in-person service with meals on the Sabbath day. Montreal Prayer House remains the only worship location in Canada that has no in-person service due to the lack of a chapel.
Pastoral Work in Canada
To enhance the care for their members, some of the bigger churches divided their pastoral work into various pastoral regions with their own pastoral teams. We thank God, these pastoral team coordinators were pivotal in their role as the main contact person in their respective regions. They acted as messengers to cascade church news and communications to hard-to-reach members. They also worked diligently to encourage and assist members to sign up for services every week, while government restrictions were still in place. Now that most restrictions have been lifted, family services have also resumed in some areas.
Training Work in Canada
Since the church reopened, we have been in need of more holy workers. Many young members are
encouraged to join various holy work. We have conducted various trainings across the Canadian churches, e.g., service leader seminars, translators’ workshops, hymn leader and pianist training, and religious education teachers’ workshops. Young and new holy workers are learning side by side with experienced holy workers.
Church Expansion in Canada
In addition to the newly branched-out Burnaby Church from Vancouver, most Canadian churches are also actively working on church expansion projects. Montreal Prayer House, in particular, is currently looking for a place to worship together.
Thank God for guiding and keeping the True Jesus Church in Canada. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, God continues to bestow His grace and blessings upon all of us.