2022 ECC Holy Work Update

European Coordination Center (ECC) Report on Europe and Pioneering Area
– Current Situation

Thank God, with fewer restrictions due the coronavirus pandemic since the end of last year, we have resumed pastoral visits to local churches. With God’s guidance, we have used the past two years to teach the brethren online in the word of God. Numerous online courses such as “Church Board Training”, “RE Teacher Training”, “Doctrine Course”, or “How to Prepare a Sermon” were also carried out. Nevertheless, the brethren in the pioneering regions have been waiting for on-site visits for a long time.

Since on-site Spiritual Convocations and Special Services have resumed, we have seen how Jesus has been guiding the church through this difficult time. Although, we were worried that the brethren would backslide in their faith, Jesus has been looking after His sheep all the time, and “no one will snatch them out of my hand” (Jn 10:28)

In October 2021, by God’s grace and after only a short search and subsequent renovation, we were able to dedicate the new prayer house in Tbilisi, Georgia. During this convocation, two people were baptized, which was also the first baptism ever held in Georgia. We need to keep praying that God will continue to guide the church and help the brothers and sisters grow in faith.

Dedication of Prayer House in Tbilisi, Georgia – October 2021

In early 2022, the brethren in Albacete, Spain began to set up the organizational structure of the church and elected the first church board. The local brothers and sisters grew so much in faith during the pandemic that they now meet regularly and keep the Sabbath together. Thank God, a suitable place to rent for spiritual convocations and special services was also found. Now the brethren are busy looking for a suitable church building. At the same time, they are preparing to set up their own religious education classes. We must continue to pray for them too, so that the church in Albacete will become a light of Jesus.

Spiritual Convocation in Albacete, Spain

In Italy, where the pandemic was particularly serious, we were able to see the greatest development of the church. The brethren in Prato have found a new place to worship God and have resumed on-site services. In Empoli, we were able to dedicate the new church building on August 21, 2022. It took a long way to get there, and there had been many difficulties during the one and a half years of renovation, which we would never have overcome without God’s help. Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain (Ps 127:1). But with God’s grace and the great commitment of the brothers and sisters in Empoli, the new church building was completed and dedicated during the largest spiritual convocation ever held in Europe, with over 130 participants. Everyone could feel the presence of the glory of God. During this convocation, we also had three people baptized and five brethren received the Holy Spirit.

Dedication of Church in Empoli, Italy – August 21, 2022

A total number of eighteen new members have been baptized across Europe since visits resumed in eight different church locations. This shows that our brothers and sisters continued to spread the Word of God despite the pandemic restrictions.

In the coming years it will be important to strengthen the local churches and the members’ faith, as well as to train brothers and sisters for church work. ECC has set up further RE teacher training courses for this purpose. Piano lessons are planned for Madrid Prayer House to train young people to accompany hymns. ECC is also in the process of registering the True Jesus Church in Greece and is supporting the brothers and sisters in Albacete and Budapest to find a suitable church building. All these tasks require a lot of time and energy. This is not possible without the help of God. Therefore, we must trust in His leadership. With God’s grace we will continue to spread His Word in Europe so that people will see His great glory.

All glory and honor be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen