2024 Ministry Volunteer Program (MVP) Summer Internship Program
We are pleased to announce that the Ministry Volunteer Program (MVP) will continue to offer a summer 10-week full-time internship program in 2024. (Please note this announcement is for the 10-week summer internship; a separate announcement for the 1-week summer workshop will follow later).
The internship program will be an opportunity for volunteers to assist various GA departments with ministry projects serving evangelical and/or pastoral purposes over a longer project time period, while at the same time further develop their talents/skills for the ministry work. The start and end date of the internship can vary for each intern to accommodate varying school and work schedules.
The MVP summer internship will overlap with the 1-week summer workshop to be held at Cerritos Church in July 2024. Interns are expected to attend the NYTS/PMVP during their internship. Depending on project needs, they may work in the USGA office (Cerritos, CA), remotely, or in a hybrid arrangement. Those who work in the USGA office are eligible to apply for a living subsidy of up to $100 per week to help cover for meals, gas, lodging, and other living necessities. In addition, interns will be encouraged to stay at the USGA dormitory if they are from out of town.
We welcome working professionals and students who have the heart to serve to participate in this internship program. The program is open to all youths who are 18 or older and who have graduated high school by July 2024. Applicants for the MVP internship are required to have attended the MVP 1-week workshop and the NYTS (or similar) at least once previously (exceptions may be granted). Full-time attendance is required. Please apply by March 15, 2024.
The departments and projects of the summer 2024 MVP internship program are as follows:
The Literary Ministry (LM) Department is seeking four (4) in-person, remote, or hybrid interns for assistance on the following projects (specific projects to be assigned based on the interns’ skills and background):
- social media (content curation, post/reel creation, video description)
- promotion (of various LM resources)
- app development (user research, prototyping, coding)
- Google Sites development
- eLibrary media (format conversion, transcription/caption, Bible verse indexing)
- biblical studies and content creation
The Evangelical Department Music Ministry Committee is seeking two (2) in-person, remote, or hybrid interns for assistance on the following projects (specific projects to be assigned based on the interns’ skills and background):
- hymn lyric video production
- score notation (memory verse songs, members’ compositions/hymn arrangements)
- vocal recording and editing (choir, small-group singers)
- global hymnal project support
The Administrative Department is seeking one (1) in-person or hybrid intern for assistance on the following projects (specific projects to be assigned based on the intern’s skills and background):
- policies and guidelines revision (adherence to standard practice and regulatory compliance)
- copyediting
- document formatting (based on TJC identity guidelines)
- document organization (based on TJC data privacy best practices guidelines)
- information compilation (NCC resolutions by year, TRC resolutions by year, etc.)
If you have any questions regarding the MVP summer internship program or the application process, please contact the MVP coordinators at mvp@tjc.org. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by April 15, 2024. Please keep this event in your prayers.