2024 Summer E2/J1/J2 Student Spiritual Convocation in East Region
Theme: A Life of Holiness
During the convocation, attendees will lodge on church premises and will be expected to maintain a high level of discipline. Please refer to the General Information Sheet.
Please note that a completed registration form is required for each attendee.
- Complete a physical copy of the registration form and hand it to your local RE Coordinator. If the attendee is under age 18, the parent/guardian must sign the registration form.
If you have additional questions regarding SSC, please contact the coordinators at eastregionssc@tjc.org.
E2 SSC General Coordinator: Pr. Andrew Wang (andy.wang@tjc.org)
Assistant Coordinators: Vicky Kuo, Thomas Hsu
J1 SSC General Coordinator: Pr. Enoch Hou (houtsengmf@gmail.com)
Assistant Coordinators: Kim OuYang, Lily Chiu, Hsihui Hou
J2 SSC General Coordinator: Pr. Gien-Hung Chen (gienhung.chen@tjc.org)
Assistant Coordinators: Salena Lin, Jiaying Xie
More information will be provided once it is made available.
Please keep the events in your prayers! May God bless you!