Recent Developments in Sri Lanka


In August 2023, the India Mission Committee sent three workers to pioneer and pastor in two places in Sri Lanka. The first place is a tea estate up in the mountains called Poonagala, more than 200 km southeast of Colombo. 

Poonagala is home to a large family, with a total of 8 adults and 2 children, all of whom had been eager to seek the gospel and had been waiting to be baptized. Through the pioneering of the Indian and West Malaysian preachers and the continuous online follow-up by some volunteers over the years, this family couldn’t wait to accept our baptism to become children of God. 

The purpose of this trip, a face-to-face visit, was to gain a clearer understanding of the actual situation of this family, and more importantly, to verify if they met the conditions to be baptized. 

During the two days we stayed there, apart from conducting truth-seeker revision classes with them, we also prayed together to determine whether they had received the Holy Spirit. 

Thank the Lord; from this, we were able to see their firmness and persistence in faith, and we heard that 5 adults among them had received the Holy Spirit. This proved that God’s grace and will were present and confirmed that they could be baptized. 

Before departing, we urged them to always pray in the Holy Spirit, keep themselves in the grace of Jesus, and wait for the upcoming baptism.

The second place is more than 120 km southeast of Colombo, in a small town called Kotagala, where a newly baptized family lives. In addition to the internal pastoral care, we visited the homes of the believers’ friends for several days to preach the gospel. We thank the Lord that these friends were interested in learning more about our faith and are looking forward to our next meeting.

More than two months later, the India Mission Committee sent another two workers to these two places to continue the follow-up work.

On the Sabbath morning of October 28, all the truth-seeking friends at Poonagala Tea Estate (8 adults and 2 children) were baptized by our church, following which they received footwashing and Holy Communion. During that meeting, one more sister received the Holy Spirit.

The newly baptized believers had long decided to use the vacant land they had purchased to build a chapel. Their love for the Lord truly touched us. May the construction of the chapel take shape in the will of the Lord.

May all glory, thanks and honor be given to our heavenly Father, the true God.