Our Loving Heavenly Father Listens to His Sheep’s Prayers

2023 Central and South America Ministry Update

Central and South America have vast territories. After the pandemic, churches, prayer houses, and service locations in various countries are gradually returning to normal.

In the Dominican Republic, there are currently two chapels with around 80 members, many of whom speak Spanish and are religious education students in need of care. Hence, our ministry groups currently include a group of religious education teachers responsible for teaching classes.

The chapel located in the capital needs renovation. The architectural group has already submitted the blueprint to the government agency for review. We ask for the Lord’s help and guidance for smooth approval. Once the approval is obtained, renovations may proceed.

Spiritual Convocation in the Dominican Republic

is a relatively new pioneering region. Besides caring for local members, workers also reach out and evangelize to churches of other denominations, and the existing holy work team continues to follow up.

Group picture with truth seekers in Guatemala after an evangelistic service

São Paul Prayer House in Brazil: Ever since the pandemic, four families have stopped attending service. During a recent pastoral trip, we also visited two of these households. Thank God! Both households have agreed to return to church for service.

During the pandemic, some fervent believers remained faithful to the church. Not only were their jobs unaffected, but they also received bountiful blessings from God. Although the churches were under lockdown during the pandemic, some members nonetheless dedicated their time and efforts to clean the church every week because they did not want to see the church deserted. As a result, they experienced God’s abundant grace and provisions. 

In terms of the prospects of the local ministry, new members were recently added to our spiritual family, giving the ministry vitality and hope. In addition, there are also new truth seekers, some of whom are relatives or spouses of current members. We believe that as long as we continue to hope and pray, the Lord will increase the number of those who are saved.

Right now, we encourage youths in the United States to learn Portuguese. The aim is to have them volunteer to take on holy work in Brazil, engage with local youths, and increase the local youths’ English proficiency. Eventually, Brazilian youths may receive further training in the United States, allowing the entire ministry in the Americas to unite, support one another, and advance the kingdom of God. 

Fellowship with members in São Paulo, Brazil

Chile Prayer House currently has 53 members and its own chapel. The Western Hemisphere Department of World Mission and the Central and South America Coordination Center will care for the prayer house with successive visitations to the area. 

Buenos Aires Church in Argentina currently has 441 members who reside all throughout the country. Presently, the country is divided into seven pastoral zones. Based on the needs of different age groups, we have further established the Green Olive Fellowship (18 to 40 years old), Joy Fellowship (40 years old and above), and Spanish Fellowship to make pastoral work more comprehensive.

There are a total of 80 religious education students spread out among Senior Class, J2, J1, E2, and E1. After years of hard work to nurture them, these students have greatly improved in piety and are diligently pursuing growth in terms of spiritual cultivation. A student spiritual convocation (SSC) was held in July 2023. Among the participants, eight students had not yet received the Holy Spirit, but during that SSC, they were all filled with the grace of God. The students learned to pray for one another, and God allowed them to experience the joy of intercession. With great concern for the students who had not received the Holy Spirit, the participants took the initiative to pray with them to encourage them. Shortly before the end of SSC, our loving heavenly Father answered the prayers of His sheep and bestowed the precious Holy Spirit upon them. Every student returned home filled with grace and joy. After SSC, the students gradually matured under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and understood that they must bear the fruit of the Spirit to glorify God. 

As for other service locations, the Western Hemisphere Department of World Mission and the Central and South America Coordination Center care for them with successive visitations to their respective areas.

Due to the Central and South American region’s vastness, there are many unreached regions nonetheless. We sincerely ask brothers and sisters to pray for the ministry in Central and South America and ask God to move more workers to help pioneer so that the gospel may spread to the ends of the earth and the name of the Lord can be glorified!