2024 Southwest Region Breaking Bread Fellowship
What: SWR Breaking Bread
Where: Cerritos Church
When: Saturday, October 5th , from 5:30 – 8:40 PM PDT
All members are encouraged to attend the event and invite their friends and family. Dinner will be provided first, then followed by five (5) different activity booths for attendees to enjoy. As this will be an English evangelical event, please make your own arrangements if you or your friends and family need interpretation.
Please sign-up using the Google form that can be found by scanning the following QR code or by clicking the link below. We ask that you also sign up on behalf of any truthseekers that you have invited to help SWRYC obtain a better headcount.
The registration deadline is September 21st , 2024:
Please do not hesitate to contact your SWRYC representative or email swryc@tjc.org if you have any questions regarding this evangelical event.
Finally, please remember this event in your prayers.