Greetings from Myanmar

Myanmar Mission Committee (MMC) Report for 2023 


The political situation in Myanmar remains volatile, with more regular and intense clashes between the military and civilian resistance forces. While movements have been restricted across cities and villages, members are still able to gather in church, speakers from Singapore streaming in to deliver sermons. The local preachers also deliver sermons physically or assist in interpreting for speakers from Singapore. Some members who are working as domestic helpers also join online. Youth services and RE have resumed. We have also been able to conduct spiritual meetings and youth bible camp online. Preacher Joshua has now returned to be based in Yangon, while Preacher Titus is based in Taungzalat. Livelihood remains a challenge for many members due to the inflation and disruption to economic activities in Myanmar. In light of that, MMC has continued to assist some members with food aid and education aid for students. More recently, the military government has announced a mandatory conscription law which allows them to summon males between 18 – 35 and females between 18 – 27 to serve between 2 – 5 years in military service. Apart from the risk of conscription, our members will likely face further hardship as mandatory conscription might result in more intense conflict in the country. Let us collectively intercede for our brethren in Myanmar, that our Lord will protect them from harm and preserve their faith in Him.


Currently, there are 4 churches, 3 places of worship, 240 members, 1 deacon, 12 teachers, 2 preachers, and 1 full-time mission worker in Myanmar.


Physical mission trips continue to be disrupted due to the political situation. Notwithstanding, we thank God that there was a window of opportunity in September, during which we were able to physically visit Myanmar.

By the grace of God, we were able to conduct the following activities apart from weekly Sabbath services and Sunday youth services:

Date Activity
3 – 5 Mar 2023 Sawbuayeshin Spiritual Meeting
30 Apr – 7 May 2023   Youth Bible Camp
23 – 25 Jun 2023 Mid Year Spiritual Meeting 
11 – 22 Sep 2023 Pastoral Visit & Church Leaders’ Training
27 – 29 Oct Youth Spiritual Meeting
22 – 24 Dec 2023 Year-end Spiritual Meeting








Update by location

1. Yangon

Notwithstanding the volatile situation, we thank God that Sabbath services can be conducted, with two sessions on Saturdays, together with RE classes. Youth services are conducted on Sundays. Speakers stream in from Singapore to support the local preacher who is based there.

2. Taungzalat

Regular Sabbath services are now conducted on Saturdays, with RE classes in the morning. Like Yangon, the local preacher based there is also supported by speakers streaming in from Singapore. Youth services are also conducted on Sundays together with Yangon youths. 

3. Sawbuayeshin

Church services have resumed in the church building. RE classes have also resumed. This village has weak communications signal; hence, they are not able to join in online services. While there is a core group of members, the church is also generally weak, with some departing from the congregation from time to time. The local preachers visit them whenever possible as there are restrictions in travelling there due to the tense situation between the military and the civilian resistance forces.

4. Natyikong

The church is weak, with a significant number of members having left the church. Physical services have resumed, with Preacher Titus leading, travelling there to conduct services. Members have also being attending Kalay spiritual meetings in Taungzalat.

5. Letpatchung

We have no church building in this village. There remains one family within the fold. However, given the current situation in Myanmar, the brother cannot be contacted, and our local preachers are also unable to visit.

6. Mamoh

We do not have a building in this village and membership comprises 3 members from 1 family. This family has fled from the village due to regular clashes between the military and civilian forces in that place.

Key Emphasis of the Mission

Given the many challenges faced in the Myanmar missionary work, the committee will continue to focus on the following areas:

  • Leadership – strengthening the existing leadership and identifying potential leaders to be developed.
  • Religious Education / Youth – strengthen RE and the youth in order to develop the future generation to be aligned with the church.
  • Restart evangelism. Thank God that evangelism has been restarted in 2023, with Preacher Peter Shee and Brother Eng Hock reaching out to some relatives and friends of our church members. Preacher Joshua has also been reaching out to some truthseekers. One of our members owns and runs a school locally and we have also been reaching out to the teachers in the school.