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Get to know what it is about Jesus that has made such an impact on so many people in the world. What is it that is so special about Him and what He taught? And how can we know today that what He spoke was true?
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
We all have needs beyond material things. We long to be loved; we need to feel secure; and we search for happiness and fulfillment. Money, entertainment, fame, and accomplishments can bring us some emotional satisfaction. Relationships such as friendship and family can also meet some of our emotional needs. But there is a deeper, spiritual need that material things, achievements, and relationships cannot fill.
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Bible Study Guides

The author makes it explicit what his purpose is for writing this book. It is twofold: 1) “that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;” and 2) “that believing, you may have life in [Jesus’] name” (20:31).

The purpose of Revelation is stated in 1:1. God intends to show His servants the things which must shortly take place. In view of the intense conflicts between Christians and the forces of evil, the book of Revelation serves to strengthen believers of all generations to remain faithful to Christ unto death.