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Our Stories

God Healed My Wounds

Katheryn Louie’s life was turned upside down when a car accident took the life of her husband of 32 years. In the midst of painful loss, she found healing through Jesus, who personally cared for her wounds and brought her to a beautiful recovery.

What I Have Found Here

As a music student going through stressful juries, Matt first experienced a peace that transcends one’s circumstances. He knew that one’s faith cannot depend on anyone else and as he continued to seek, God helped him to have epic shifts in understanding. He came to overcome his doubts and see the preciousness of coming to the True Jesus Church.

Jesus Christ Opened My Eyes

A walk along the beach was the beginning of an extraordinary journey for Ruedi that led to a complete change in lifestyle and self-perception. In accepting God’s calling, he has found a peace that he feels nothing in the world can replace.

Responding to a Divine Calling

San-Pao, who was previously Catholic, became curious to learn more about True Jesus Church after witnessing the joy in his classmate’s life. San-Pao and his wife share how they have experienced God for themselves and the meaning they have found in serving Him.

God Led Me Step by Step

Cathy used to put everything into her high-pressure job. She made her decisions independently and planned out everything she did. When her lifestyle resulted in a painful skin problem, a coworker invited her to church. God led her to know the church He wanted her to be a part of, and her life transformed to one that included God in her decisions and that put God above her career.

Yearning to Personally Experience God

When his mother became ill in college, Jeff could not understand why this was happening. His friend recommended that he just open up a Bible and read. This was the beginning of Jeff’s pursuit of evidence of God’s existence.

Seeking for the Holy Spirit

Captivated by the truth of the Holy Spirit, Sam prayed with a determined heart that he would not quit asking until he received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. An unforgettable miracle occurred at the moment God gave him the Holy Spirit. In this experience, he found what he had been seeking and was filled with the love, joy, and power of the Lord.

A Call to a New Life

Though raised in a family with a long tradition of Catholic beliefs, Richard came to feel an emptiness through the years. He had always felt that something was missing, until one day when God began to work mightily in his heart.

God's Love to Me

Crystal considered the Bible a storybook with good philosophies. However, when stuck in a situation she could not help herself out of, she wondered if God was real. She experienced God for herself and knew of His love for her when she received the Holy Spirit.

God Brought Me to the True Jesus Church

Victor first heard of the True Jesus Church while in the army, during Bible study with others in the barracks. The Holy Spirit was what convinced him to join the church. Since then, the weekday Bible studies and the fellowship make him feel that he is part of a family and have helped him to continue to grow in his journey as a Christian.

Lifted from the Depths of Depression

As a child, Michelle struggled with depression, OCD and insomnia. However, this was replaced with joy and peace when she received the Holy Spirit, and she felt that the void in her heart was filled. Though unable to come to church for a period of time, God strengthened her and provided that as an opportunity for her to cherish what was so precious about the True Jesus Church.

More than a Theory

Ethan is an electrical engineer professor who grew up as an atheist. When he was first introduced to Christianity, he took a liking to how it explained many questions in life. But it was still just a nice-sounding theory to Ethan since he was unsure of God’s existence. Ethan shares how he became firmly convinced that the Bible is true and that God is real.

The Lord Jesus Came into My Heart

The first hymn that Sunny heard when he came to the True Jesus Church was “Into My Heart.” Since opening his heart to Jesus and receiving baptism, the Lord Jesus has been with him every step of the way. Although Sunny is no longer with us today, we learn that he didn’t live a day without blessing and praising the Lord with joy.

His Timing Is Perfect

Since young, Tiffany knew that God existed. But after a few disappointing early experiences, she felt rejected by Him. When she received the Holy Spirit at True Jesus Church, she understood that God had a perfect time and plan all along.

The Best Decision of My Life

Nancy decided to look into Christianity and had the unique opportunity to visit 4 different True Jesus Church locations within 5 weeks. At each, she felt the love of the members and the unity in prayer. This was the beginning of her discovery of the beauty in God.

Worth the Pursuit

Evelyn had to be sure if she were to convert to Christianity. She also needed to know if God was truly in True Jesus Church. This was such an urgent and important matter to her that she decided to fast and pray. God answered her with an unforgettable experience in prayer.

Finding the Missing Piece

Calvin was used to being surrounded by friends and began going to church because of social reasons. However, during college, he had to face the fact that his friends could not always be there for him. He began to search for God, but always felt that something was still missing. He found that missing piece when he encountered God in the True Jesus Church.